{/memento mori ; abyssus abyssusm invocat
Saturday, May 8, 2010 ( 10:13 PM )
"Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see"
-Mark Twain
i suck, yeah
Well, just being random here.
The reason why i put that quote up theres cuz i thought its really cool.
Some of you may wonder: who's blind? who's deaf?
being blind and deaf doesn't just have to be physical, right?
So yeah, thats why i think the quotes pretty awesome.
As for the title, memento mori is kinda Latin for: Remember that you will die.
Well, its just that i think its a good reminder of our mortality, and that we should treasure it.
abyssus abyssusm invocat, on the other hand, stands for: deep calls to deep.
pretty much self explanatory, actually.
And so, life is being pretty fun, esp since 3H makes everyday of our exams seem like the last day of it, hahas. Managed to find joy in a lot of things, and am actually treasuring the past now, weird, aye?
Tuesday, April 13, 2010 ( 4:15 AM )

Well, hello..
long time no i see
i still suck, yeah
Updates(not in chronological order)
1.FCS 40km overnight re-hike/hike report
well, not really what you'd count as fun, aye? but actually, it was pretty awesome! Quite funny, considering how we started singing randomly to the first checkpoint. Also, smsing was kinda life saver. Think its pretty worth the wasted time( note the irony.) As for hike report, worked pretty hard to get it done. Was really impressed by how i actually managed to do the route maps properly, yeah. Heaved a huge sigh of relief when finally passed, though fit was kinda marredf by the fact that there was those who didn't.
2.Combined Games Day
Think its a waste of time, though not totally. games were, fun/retarded/pure tekan(delete where applicable). But then again, suffer with a smile, it helps quite alot. As for combining with hibiscus patrol, pretty neutral feelings towards it.
Yes, handover.. GOT QM!!~~
obviously ecstatic to get the post/rank i actually had passion for, though theres gonna be quite a few things to do, probably gonna enjoy it. (for ppl who have yet to know, its higher than patrol leader, though theres a stupid red lanyard instead of the conventional black or yellow)
"Life is not about waiting for the storm to be over but learning to dance in the rain"
{/As your heartbeat sets the rhythm for the tragedies to unfold
Monday, December 7, 2009 ( 8:59 AM )
Well, decided to post in my sleep deprived state, so this post will be kinda..weird?
First of all, i suck.
apparently, i got a book for my christmas present thats kinda cool, "Have a little faith - Mitch Albom", yeah, thats the guy for five people you meet in heaven and tuesdays with morrie. theres one part which i found interesting, so here it is:
"Now, that child," he said, "reminds me of something sages taught. When a baby comes into the world, its hands are clenched, right? Like this?
He made a fist.
"Why? Because a baby, not knowing any better, wants to grab everything, to say, 'The whole world is mine.'
"But when an old person dies, how does he do so? With his hands open. Why? Because he has learned the lesson."
What lesson? I asked.
He stretched open his empty fingers.
"We can take nothing with us." "
nth else to post, except having to do christmas skit T_T
{/Really Bored(as always?)
Friday, November 6, 2009 ( 11:05 PM )
okay..really bored now, so thats probably the only reason why i'll post or smth.
Yeah, i suck
Hmm.. getting kinda addicted to "Slow Dance - Senses Fail", shld be in the playlist up there somewhere, i guess.. give it a listen yeah? lyrics are really cool and all.
"So how can find ourselves?
Trapped in our private hells
Where we just scream but no one can hear
X marks the spot where the dig begins
The treasure is found within
The broken hearts that are soaked with fear"
like i said, cool lyrics
Okay, update on whats happened so far(with no chronological order, cuz i'm too stupid to list it):
Exams: didn't really study at all, except for chinese, which i just read through the ci yu once or twice.
Results were kinda better than expected, especially if you don't expect anything at all, yeah?
Fcs overnight hike: srsly siao one.. forgot everything that happened expect for being tired and sleepy and wanting to listen to music(lol?)
zoo: overall useless, except for the fact that the last time i went to the zoo was.. can't rmb, oh wells.
2nd fcs pioneering: for dave, actually quite fun, except the part where a certain A guy stopped us to give some boring speech or whatever.. finished cca only at 7+(as said by pin yi,), i think.. amazing
i suck, yeah
Saturday, October 17, 2009 ( 6:31 AM )
i think i have thaasophobia..cool.. Absolutely nth to do,so i'll just vent my boredom here, i guess..
Ok, i suck, yeah(you can start agreeing anytime around now, actually)
Exams are over, but it doesn't feel different. abit. Its just as slack, just as boring, just as retarded. Didn't really study for exams anyway, except for chi which i screwed up, wat the heck man.
Really bored now, feeling unwell also, just plain shitty..
end post.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009 ( 6:36 AM )
"a requiem of sorrow behind these masks of lies,
a dark symphony born solely of all these unheard cries"
-smth random that came to mind
New blogskin once again(lost count of how many times i changed it, i think)
schs been.. fun? alot of funny things happen, i guess..
been sleeping loads, before sch, during lessons, recess,etc.
just being lazy, probably
Just realized how hard is it to make a playlist from scratch, having so much things to add.
especially if theres so many nice songs out there, like "Anywhere But Here" by Mayday Parade
FCS so fars been..really really lucky? yeah, managed to pass everything so far.
Heaven's on my side i guess, tyco until can pass.
Then theres the stupid APL thingy coming up
Pin yi can be it, for all i care, wanna spend my days slacking.
And yes, i hate being in a cca
ending here, i think..
yeah, ending here
Saturday, September 12, 2009 ( 8:46 AM )
i'm actually gonna post smth..wat a miracle *pats myself on the back*
Friday (11/09/09)
the day was..eventful?Had FCS Backwoodsman(outdoor cooking) and screwed up almost everything except for firestarting and the potatoes(they actually tasted damn good). Firestarting was srsly epic.. anyhow bomb leaves and twigs then try half matchstick expecting it to fail. Then miraculously, the fire actually started!! Rest of the time just anyhow run here run there do stupid stuffs. In the end when testing that time everyone was like.. thinking that confirm fail liao except joshua, cuz most of his food cooked until damn swee. stupidest part is, they cliffhanger on us, say will email us the results.. wth man
then had the APSN Y CAMP thingy.. Thanks to hong yu, who just had to cut himself and get 2 stitches during backwoodsman, i ended up having to teach a grp on my own. Srsly damn scary can, i everything also not sure how to make also have to solo teach them. Almost died man.. In the end not enough for the grps to finish, so our cca ppl ended up teaming up the ppl there to finish it. We all finished at arnd 12+, i think. then two of the guys transport all of us home in a van, cool right. We keep talking crap on the way back, and the funny thing is i can't rmb a single thing we talked abt, lol.
yeah, well, nth else to post abt?? so ending here bah