Tuesday, April 13, 2010 ( 4:15 AM )

Well, hello..
long time no i see
i still suck, yeah
Updates(not in chronological order)
1.FCS 40km overnight re-hike/hike report
well, not really what you'd count as fun, aye? but actually, it was pretty awesome! Quite funny, considering how we started singing randomly to the first checkpoint. Also, smsing was kinda life saver. Think its pretty worth the wasted time( note the irony.) As for hike report, worked pretty hard to get it done. Was really impressed by how i actually managed to do the route maps properly, yeah. Heaved a huge sigh of relief when finally passed, though fit was kinda marredf by the fact that there was those who didn't.
2.Combined Games Day
Think its a waste of time, though not totally. games were, fun/retarded/pure tekan(delete where applicable). But then again, suffer with a smile, it helps quite alot. As for combining with hibiscus patrol, pretty neutral feelings towards it.
Yes, handover.. GOT QM!!~~
obviously ecstatic to get the post/rank i actually had passion for, though theres gonna be quite a few things to do, probably gonna enjoy it. (for ppl who have yet to know, its higher than patrol leader, though theres a stupid red lanyard instead of the conventional black or yellow)
"Life is not about waiting for the storm to be over but learning to dance in the rain"